My Story...

In 2015 I stepped out in faith and decided to "retire" from healthcare after spending 20 years in nursing. I started as a bedside nurse and worked my way up into management by putting in long hours and neglecting the most important things in my life. Although I loved the work I did and the people around me, I always felt as if I was missing something or my focus was in the wrong place.
It turns out that both were correct....I was missing something and my focus was wrong.
I started All Things Life simply to share some personal views, ideas and things that I enjoy, like journaling and crafting. Now, I realize that my purpose in starting this journey through All Things Life is truly a calling from God. My goal is to spread the love of Jesus, share with others how His sacrifice on the cross saves lives and that His hope for all of humanity is to put faith and trust in Him.
I realized one day that nothing really matters when you are trying to get through life on your own, making your own choices and decisions without the grace and guidance of God. For so long I tried to do everything on my own and well, it hasn't always worked out for the best.
So.....after praying one morning, God lead me to ask myself some very important questions....
What do I love the most?
What am I good at?
What sets my soul on fire?
What am I passionate about?
I had never really asked myself these questions because basically, I was on autopilot. You know, "going through the motions" everyday. But I knew that I was on to something because I had asked God to show me His plan for my life. This was the first step in the right direction, HIS direction for my life.
Since that day God has been leading me to take all of the answers to those questions and share my passion for the Lord with others. I now lead a Women's Bible Study group, have written several Bible Studies and Devotionals (as well as some other books), started a YouTube Channel, and design shirts, hats, accessories and journaling materials all with the same goal - to glorify God.
My blog posts revolve around God's Word, faith in Jesus & all things needed to walk the Christian Life - and yes, here and there I include the things that I love like journaling, crafting and home decor.
No matter where you are on your life's journey, it is my prayer that you are right where God wants you to be.
"You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Psalm 16:11

Amy resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two sons.